
5. Inspiration and Personal Revelation

Quick post today. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, especially since coming out. This is kind of a footnote to my last post, “Asking the Right Question”.

Answers to prayer and guidance for life can come from many different sources. For me, the priority of where I get that guidance is important.

To fully understand what God is trying to communicate to me that is personally applicable I listen to:

First: Personal answers to prayer – note that this can come from any of the sources below when we are led to these sources, but it can also come into our heart and mind directly. When the sources below don’t have an answer or the answer they are providing doesn’t feel right, the direct answer from God is what I listen to.

Second: Self. Most of the time our instinct, gut feeling, intuition…whatever you call it, is right.

Third: Family – in whatever form. Family to me may or may not consist of parents and siblings, but it ALWAYS consists of people, regardless of blood relation, that love unconditionally and have your back. If they are constantly pushing you to make decisions that match their ideal…they may still be labeled “family”, but conditional love does not a family make.

Fourth: Church or religious leaders. I believe that God does speak to men on earth to guide and direct his children, but I also keep in mind that they are imperfect individuals, just as the religious leaders of the past, including those in scripture, were imperfect.

Fifth: Earthly knowledge…or that wonderful knowledge we gain from reading, searching the internet, gaining degrees. While all this is wonderful to have, much of it can be misleading, incorrect, or filled with ulterior motives.

As I ponder any information from sources 2-5, I remind myself to circle back around to number #1 for verification and individual application.

Love you all…be well and continue to Believe.